EAR is certified as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) with the following agencies: Small Business Administrations (SBA) as a Small Minority Disadvantage Business under Section 8(a) Program, City of Los Angeles, San Bernardino County, Bay Area Rapid Transit District, Los Angeles County - Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Orange County Transportation Authority, State of California - Department of Transportation, State of Nevada - Department of Transportation, and WMBE Clearinghouse. |
California State contractor's license (Number 708748): in the classifications of General Engineering ("A")
- Asbestos Abatement ("ASB")
- Hazardous Material ("HAZ") handling
- Buildings Moving and Demolition (C21) and General Building ("B") License.
EAR also has an Arizona State Contractor's license (Number 113988):
in the classification of General Engineering ("A"). |
EAR holds the following various location permits.
- Lead/Asbestos Certifications from EPA/DHS/State Governments
- Cal OSHA - Excavation and Trenching Annual Permit (various locations)
- CRWQCB - Santa Ana - NPDES Permit (various locations)
- SCAQMD - Rule 1166 (Contaminated Soil Mitigation Plan)
- SCAQMD - Vapor Extraction Treatment Systems (several units, various locations)
- SCAQMD - (various locations, inactive)
- Ventura County Air Pollution Control Board - Hot Air Vapor Extraction System (various locations; inactive)
- EAR professionals maintain state certifications as registered professional engineers, geologists, hydrogeologists, registered environmental assessors, industrial hygienists in several states
EAR carries the following insurance:
General Liability     $2,000,000.00 (Aggregate)
Contractors Pollution Liability                                                 $1,000,000.00
Professional Errors and Omissions Liability                      $1,000,000.00 (Each occurrence)
Automobile                                                                                 $1,000,000.00
Worker's Compensation                                                         $1,000,000.00
EAR is capable of providing bonding as required for a given project. |
Construction-$5 Million