2 South D Street, Perris

Scope of Work

EAR did Short term remediation using VES system.

Contract Data

Client Name: Interstate Petroleum
Contract Amount:

Arco Am/Pm

Scope of Work

  • EAR completed further site assessment by installing five borings and completing two of these borings as groundwater monitoring wells.
  • EAR completely defined the extend of contamination by installing five more groundwater monitoring wells.
  • Completed feasibility study using a high vacuum dual phase extraction.
  • EAR is currently performing groundwater monitoring activites and in the final stages of site closure.

Contract Data

Client Name: Arco Am/Pm
Contract Amount: $150,000

Brazil Market (Corona, CA)

Scope of Work

Remediation Stage

Two systems are being operated at the site concurrently, a ground water pump and treat system and a carbon based vapor extraction system.

Quarterly groundwater and vapor monitoring.

Above picture shows manifold piping from
extraction wells to the thermal oxidizer unit.

Contract Data

Client Name: Elliot Luchs
Contract Amount: $425,000

Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District Phase II

Scope of Work

Site Assessment-
Constituents of concern-DDT and other related pesticides.

Technology used-

  • Soil sampling and ground water collection using geoprobe.
  • Field screening for DDT and other pesticides using immunoassay techniques.

Lab tests-

  • EPA method 881A

Field screening for DDT and other pesticides
using immunoassay techniques.

Contract Data

Client Name: Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District Phase II
Contract Amount: $17,000

Field and Industrial Supply Centre

Scope of Work

EAR conducted-

  • Geophysical survey
  • Site assessment
  • Pipe cleaning and removal
  • Soil remediation and new pipe construction verification

Contract Data

Client Name: Kinley Construction
Contract Amount: $731,000

Gas Mart - Ontario

Scope of Work

  • EAR installed four borings on June 11, 2001. Two of the borings were dually completed as vapor wells and two as single 2-inch vapor wells.
  • Based on the laboratory analytical results, EAR completed six additional borings to complete define the lateral and vertical extent of plume and completed two of the borings as 2-inch vapor wells.
  • Based on the findings, EAR conducted Remediation Feasibility Test and recommended installation and operation of Vapor Extraction System for a period of six months.
  • EAR is currently operating VES since April 5, 2004 .

Above picture shows Gas Mart-Ontario
and pipe connection for pilot test.

Contract Data

Client Name: Salim Munakash
Contract Amount: $36,000

Hooper Service Station

Scope of Work

  • UST removal, replacement, and station remodeling
  • Site assessment and feasibility study
  • Groundwater contamination plume delineation Soil remediation by excavation
  • Conducted dual-phase high vacuum test (soil and groundwater)
  • Installed and operated soil vapor extraction system Updated site conceptual model
  • Quarterly ground water monitoring/reporting

Contract Data

Client Name: Mr. Billy J. Hooper
Contract Amount: Over 1.2 Million to date

John Livacich Produce

Scope of Work

  • EAR conducted a preliminary site investigation on January 7, 2000 to assess the lateral and vertical limits of the subsurface petroleum hydrocarbon impact.
  • A total of 5 soil borings were advanced to depths of 40-45 feet with a Geoprobe style rig.
  • EAR conducted the supplemental site assessment by advancing three borings and completing one boring as a groundwater monitoring well.
  • Based on the analytical results, EAR proposed and completed the excavation of petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil in early June 2002.
  • EAR installed three addition monitoring wells and based on the quarterly groundwater monitoring analytical results, EAR recommended site closure
  • EAR is in the process of well abandonment and site closure activities.

Contract Data

Client Name: John Livacich Produce
Contract Amount: Over $170,000


Scope of Work

EAR conducted PCBs assessment for this project.

Contract Data

Client Name: Erickson, Inc.
Contract Amount: $25,000

Sossa's Food Mart

Scope of Work

EAR conducted-

  • Soil gas survey
  • Soil & groundwater assessment
  • Groundwater remediation feasibility study
Currently performing soil and groundwater remediation using soil vapor extraction.

Above picture shows groundwater
monitoring well installation.

Contract Data

Client Name: Robert Sossa
Contract Amount: $250,000