Edwards Air Force Base

UST Removal and Installation

In September 2004, EAR was contracted to complete a $1 million design-build construction/retrofit of an existing gasoline station at the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) Gas Station at Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), California. The scope of work included the removal of four underground storage tanks (USTs) and installation of a new fuel dispensing system. This project operated on a compressed schedule, which EAR met by working 24 hours a day on certain days. We were also able to provide a cost savings on this project by addressing challenges in innovative ways.


  • Design-build planning
  • Temporary aboveground storage tank installation
  • UST removal and installation
  • Demolition
  • Backfill

Contract Data

Contract Amount: $1,004,357, through the Department of the Navy

Anaheim Police Department

UST Removal and Installation

EAR was contracted to remove several underground storage tanks and install a new UST system as well as an above-ground storage tank (AST) at the Anaheim Police Department in Anaheim, California. We also completed a canopy and replaced the dispenser system.


  • AST installation
  • UST removal and installation
  • Canopy construction
  • Backfill
  • Dispenser replacement

Contract Data

Contract Amount: $547,000, through the City of Anaheim